Friday 16 April 2010

Atomic Garden

Ah oui oui! Bonjour!

Parlez-vous Francais?



The reason for that extravagant introduction (showcasing my GCSE French) is because today’s band comes from across the channel! But luckily, for both you and me; they perform in English, meaning you have to endure no more of my painfully limited French vocabulary.

While the music is pretty good (which is always a good start eh?) the lyrics can be a bit cringe-worthy, using the irritating whispery-verse-thing on one of the tracks that Metro Station ever so kindly inflicted on us with ‘Shake it’. Luckily for us the choruses have a bit more ‘oomph’ to them, making the other parts a smidge easier to live with.

Influence wise, they cite the usual in terms of ‘Therapy?’ and The Foo Fighters, they also mention some ‘French older brothers’ in terms of bands, but I’m not even going to pretend to know who they are, so to prevent myself looking like a complete fool, I shan’t. So there. (Cue snooty expression).

But credit to them, they don’t seem to be trying to fit themselves into the latest must-have genre, creating strange animals like nu-rave (yes, I know that’s over, thankfully), and also bree-bree-chuggy-chuggy metal, (what? That’s not what it’s called? Oh man...).

Add some European flavour to your musical taste and go and check them out! Rapidement!


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