Saturday 24 April 2010


Another soft one today guys.

‘Ideogram’ graces the prestigious wall of blogs on this fine Saturday evening, and it’s definitely music for the weekend.

When I mention ‘music for the weekend’, I don’t mean the tripe that’s forced onto us from the Top 40, or the latest Kaiser Chiefs single. (Give me SOME credit please!)

I mean relaxing music that you feel you can only take the time to appreciate on the weekend, when your mind is free from obnoxious thoughts of paperwork and deadlines.

You’ve spent a hard week working or studying, you need a treat or two, go on, you deserve it, so grab yourself a bag of sweets (or a glass of wine if we’re feeling sophisticated) and sit down for a listen to Ideogram.

Influences that I can pick from what’s on the Myspace music player are; Damien Rice, Regina Spektor and Radiohead in the louder sections. (You think they wouldn’t mix well? Have a listen!)

It’s mostly acoustic guitar/piano based music that’s produced with sweeping atmospherics that, well, sweep you away! Before you know it you’re floating away on a raft of relaxation with the water tickling at your toes and the music filling your ears.

There, I’ve done my ‘sensible’ review bit; now catch the raft before it leaves shore!

URL: www.myspace,com/franohanlon

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