Wednesday 7 April 2010

The Subjects

When I first opened the window the ‘The Subjects’ profile page and saw that they described themselves as ‘Like Nickelback but less ballsy’, I dreaded what I was about to hear.

But I needn’t have worried too much, because they don’t really sound much like Nickelback at all, thank goodness.

But what did pour from my speakers was poppy folk that ticked the right boxes for poppy folk, but unfortunately didn’t tick all the right boxes with me, I’m afraid.

I’m not saying it’s bad , I just found it a know? They seem like the kind of band that you would end up watching at the pub because the pool table’s busy, or because you really went to see the main band and there’s not really much else to do.

It may just be because they’re an American band, and I’m a miserable cynic who’s heard so much of the new wave of British folk it’s become ingrained in me to reject most things from ‘across the pond.’

Or maybe,just maybe, I’ve found a band on my Myspace adventure who I don’t really enjoy that much, yep, I think that’s it.

Don’t let my dreary ramblings put you off, you might love them! See below for the link!


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