Thursday 29 April 2010

Dark Captain Light Captain

All abooaaaard!

You there! Climb the rigging! Scrub the poop-deck! Get the rum! Now where's my parrot...

The reason for all this (slightly stereotypical) nautical-talk is because today’s review-blog is ‘Dark Captain Light Captain’, I know that hasn’t got a great deal to do with the beginning, but a guy’s got to have an intro, right?!

We see a smidge of electronic music creep into this blog again as HMS Myspace Music Adventure leaves port for its final voyage into the vast ocean of Myspace, to bring back one more haul of audio goodies.

Enough with the sailing metaphors already, the electronic music that I mentioned in just the last sentence rises effortlessly from the Myspace music player, skipping towards you hand in hand with guitars and percussion with such grace that at first you think it might even be the mythological mermaids of old sailor’s tales, darn it, I’ve gone and done it again!

The vocals aren’t the most characteristic thing in the mix, being just over a whisper, but without it there would definitely be something missing, showing that you don’t always need a screaming lunatic as a front man to make an impression.

For this I wholly recommend Dark Captain Light Captain, so gather your crew, raise anchor, and set sail for their profile!


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