Sunday 4 April 2010

The Tallest Man on Earth

Contrary to what the name suggests, this is not the tallest man in the world (cue massive groan from reader), but alas, he is a darn good listen!

The music this man creates makes you want to hang with Nick Drake and Bob Dylan (Nick Drake may be a bit harder to hang with than Dylan these days, for obvious reasons), paying a quick trip to Joni Mitchell’s house before heading out into the woods to make instruments out of sticks & ferns, singing about life and making hugely successful records, to quote Tommy Cooper: “Just like that!”

Ok, he may try to sound like Mr Dylan a bit too much at times*, but that’s not a bad thing, is it?

But who hasn’t tried to sound like someone more successful than themselves? I dare anyone to raise their hand if you haven’t stolen a joke from a comedy show to sound funnier, go on, I DARE you...

...didn’t think so.

Now that we’ve established that we’re all marauding plagiarists, check out his tunes!


* (I must mention that it’s the acoustic Mr Dylan of old; even citing that he wears ‘Boots of Spanish Leather’ in his song 'King of Spain').

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