Thursday 8 April 2010

Beans on Toast

Beans on Toast, have you ever heard a better name for a musician?

Now as well as being a quick tasty snack for on the go, or when you’re purely feeling lazy, Beans on Toast can now bring you relief in the form of snappy little acoustic songs about the smaller things in life.

Admittedly, most of the guitar parts do sound pretty much the same in every song, but it’s the lyrics, man.

‘Beans on Toast’ is like the uncle you never had, who could play guitar, smoked a lot and seemed to have been all over the world a thousand times over. His songs are like little stories which you don’t get bored of, no matter how many times you’ve heard them.

Unfortunately, there’s only a singular track on his profile at present, but his unique raspy narrative makes ‘pulling a stripper’ and being unable to write a ‘real’ country song sound like real romance. (Awww).

Having released his debut album ‘Standing on a Chair’, consisting of something ridiculous like 50 songs (who needs 4 track EPs...), and keeping himself busy throughout summer with performances, catch Beans on Toast if you can!


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