Sunday 25 April 2010

Bread and Jam

Now I like a good sandwich as much as the next person, maybe even more than the next person, but bread and jam is possibly the way in which most of us start our love affair with the bread-and-filling snack.

As we grow, our palette starts to change, but there’s still the child inside screaming out for bread and jam each time you buy the most sophisticated sandwich you can find in Marks & Spencer.

Fear not! Now that inner voice can be appeased by the tunes of ‘Bread and Jam’ (not literally, obviously, the sound of spreading jam would grow tedious after a while).

Although the lyrics of the poppy outfit may seem to be of the same usual ‘observations’ of modern society that every band and their mates seem to be doing, but the backing music is so optimistic and smile-inducing you can’t help but nod your head like an idiot after a few bars.

Now, the music, if Jamie T and The Libertines teamed up and decided to make a pop/reggae/rock band, however ridiculous that may sound, is how I’m choosing to describe Bread and Jam.

Now in this blog we have Beans on Toast and Bread and Jam, what’s next? Jacket potato? (I spy a challenge...)


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