Wednesday 28 April 2010

Part Chimp

The date is the 28th of April, is it not?

I said this blog would last 28 days, did I not?

This is the 28th day, but I have only given you 26 bands, so I am stopping here?


That’s right, you lucky creatures, you have the luxury of two further band posts (including today), so that this blog fulfils its criteria set out by yours truly, because I’m such a nice guy!

‘Part Chimp’ are today’s focus, and anyone who thought I was all about gently-gently music can go something I probably shouldn’t write on here (for those of you with more sensitive imaginations).

Fuzzy, greasy and loud are Part Chimps agenda, reminding the listener of the heavier sounds of Yourcodenameis:milo, Death From Above 1979 (remember them?) and The Abominable Iron Sloth, who just weren’t long around for long enough in my opinion.

Anyway, back to the Part Chimp boys, everything pretty much has a scuzzy layer of distortion on it, just to let you know that they mean business. Real business. As in you’d be scared what they would do to you if you admitted that you kinda liked that Cheryl Cole single...

If sonic destruction is your cuppa, go on, give Part Chimp a try!


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