Friday 23 April 2010


I must say, I am truly impressed with today’s featured band. Properly impressed I tell thee.

Properly impressed as in I look at my CD rack and wonder if it was all really worth it!

‘Grammatics’ are today’s band; who have quite literally blown my socks off.

There are stop-start guitar lines that echo that of Oxford’s Foals, but also the panoramic instrumental sound that American indie tends to capture better than that of us moody Brits.

That’s why they’re so good! It’s the perfect mix! There are enough guitar-y bits to keep the rock snobs happy and the song writing & vocals are top notch too; no shouty-screams here folks (no matter how satisfying it is to play loudly when you’re in a bad mood).

There’s plenty of music on the Myspace player to entertain your ears; a personal highlight is ‘d.i.l.e.m.m.a’, the way which the grizzly bass snuggles up to the delayed harmonics in the verse could be looped continuously for half an hour and I would still be perched on this chair blearily smiling into the speakers.

The profile is littered with praise for the group, with nothing lower than an 8/10 ratings-wise, and quite rightly so, the album sounds like it’s a corker!


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