Monday 26 April 2010

Elizabeth and the Catapult

La la la, la la la, la la la, la la, la.

That’s what pop’s all about isn’t it? Singing along, even if you know little or none of the words, having a dance and wearing a great big Cheshire-cat smile plastered across your mug.

I think that’s the idea anyway, I think, and it seems to work for me, so to this formula I shall so stubbornly stick!

Three people (or rather, one person and an object) who seem to agree with me are ‘Elizabeth and the Catapult’. Now I know you’re going to unleash on me a torrent of "OH THEY’VE JUST COPIED FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE & MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS", but as you’ll find out if you pay even a fleeting visit to their profile, they ain’t!

The musical result is a charming blend of sugar-pop and grown up themes, with instrumentation ranging from soaring strings to ragtime piano, every song’s a bit different from the last, but contain hooks that grab your memory and just won’t let go .

That may not seem like much of a feat, but creating songs that attach themselves to you like toilet paper to a shoe (that’s a good thing in this sense, by the way), without the use of that darn autotune business is something I believe should be treasured!

Now sing along, dance, and grin like you mean it!


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