Tuesday 20 April 2010


Now everybody, raise your hands if you like Arcade Fire! (If your hands aren’t raised, then you, sir or indeed madam, are making a big mistake).

The reason why I asked that question, of which all of you should have screamed ‘YES!’ at your computer, is because today’s band, ‘Spokes’, have a slice of Arcade Fire about them, not a smidge, blob or splatter, a slice.

A slice as in a professional, sparkly, diamond-cut portion from the luxury gateaux of influence, that looks almost too good to eat.

To put it bluntly, this band are brilliant, they’ve got the whole indie band-come-mini orchestra niche sorted. It’s a wondrous listen, full of energy and brimming with emotion. Just when you think it’s creeping into post-rock territory, there’s a melancholy violin line that melts your heart and folds you into the song, enveloping your consciousness and whispering that everything’s going to be all right.

Whoa, that got a bit deep didn’t it!?

Anyway, back to it, there’s only one song with lyrics on the Myspace music player, but I don’t care, I would be quite content to listen to them all day.

Spokes create an unmissable opportunity for sonic escapism, simply lay back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

URL: www.myspace.com/spokessound

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