Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Holiday Plan

So far this blog has seen some new bands, and some side projects (well, one) through its short but glorious lifetime.

But today, to keep you on your toes, I am going to throw you a steaming great curveball of a post.

A band that split up a few years ago, who hardly anyone seemed to know, and have got back together! (Pretty clever eh?)

‘The Holiday Plan’ are a bit of a pet band of mine to be fair, I adored them when they were together back in the good old days (well, 2004), and I would feel a bit bad if I didn’t share them with the rest of you now that you’ve got a second chance to enjoy them!

It’s some British rock again I’m afraid (what can I say? I’m a sucker for it!), four fellas making music that doesn’t let up, the perfect remedy if you’re feeling a bit dusty and those cobwebs need blowing away! Or in my case, for a good old dose of nostalgia...



Why would I want to revisit the past when I have all the music I need here in the present? Well, you don’t usually find a band this special (in my opinion) very often, the closest thing I’ve found these days are The Maccabees, and I freakin’ love them too!

URL: www.myspace.com/theholidayplan

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