Thursday 1 April 2010


Hello, bienvenue, and top of the morning to you!

Welcome to the first edition of 'Myspace music adventure', a blog in which I have set myself the challenge of bringing you 28 bands in 28 days (found on Myspace.)

This blog is part of my journalism degree, but I also think that it's a good experiment to showcase how much the internet has to offer in terms of music availability! (With none of that naughty file-sharing nonsense!)

Now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, I'll give you a bit more detail; the bands will be a mixture of signed, unsigned, national, local, and any other geographical description you can come up with!

I aim to bring you a mixture of sonic treats over the 28 days to please your lug-holes and introduce you to some tasty new music!

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