Monday 5 April 2010

The School


That’s the sound of popular music, pop pop poppy pop, toe-tapping music that makes want you want to boogie-woogie until blood soaks through your shoes and you slip over on the dance floor in a rhythm inspired mess.

Ok, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration...

Todays featured band today are certainly kicking it old-school, with the emphasis on school, because that’s their name, The School, right? Get it? Yeah?

Also, they’ve utilised ‘old’ as well, truly getting the mileage out of the ‘old school’ term. I must emphasise that this is not ‘old’ as in the strange smell left by some elderly people after they’ve sat in a room too long, or the way in which socks go stiff after a while, but as in classic, feel-good baroque pop of yesteryear which is happy happy happy!

Happy music? Yes you heard right, the featured tunes don’t seem to whine about lost loves* or that they’ve forgotten their packed lunch. If they are, they’re doing a damn good job at hiding it, but I don’t think so somehow.

Catch the Octet on tour from March until May around England to promote their debut album; 'Loveless Believer', dates can be found on the bands Myspace.


*There is one track on their Myspace called 'I want you back', but one out of seven isn't bad!

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