Tuesday 13 April 2010

Cymbals Eat Guitars

Cymbals Eat Guitars? Drummers everywhere should be rejoicing, as this name surely means that they’re getting their own back on spotlight-hogging strummers the world over, but for all you tub-thumpers out there unfortunately this isn’t the case; it’s just a name, silly.

When I clicked on the first song on the Myspace player on their profile I immediately thought I would hear another electro-y indie MGMT rip-off, but then it changed, and I thought they sounded a bit like Arcade fire, then someone else, then someone else, I didn’t know what was going on!

Quite frankly, Cymbals Eat guitars encompass everything that is good about indie/experimental music; not the ‘indie’ you see ‘ooligans shouting along to at the pub, burbling through pints of cheap lager; but as in music that hits you between the eyes, and changes direction before you’ve recovered from the initial blow.

As I write this, the tracks are playing along on the Myspace profile quite happily, and the comparison that best describes Cymbals Eats Guitars is that of Conor Oberst’s band ‘Bright Eyes’; but at the same time Cymbals Eat Guitars are almost completely different. Similar, but different, you dig?

Needless to say to find out for yourself you have to check them out, but this band seem to be so full of creativity that they might just burst at any point and leave a horrible mess everywhere, and no-one wants that, do they?

URL: www.myspace.com/cymbalseatguitars

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