Monday 19 April 2010

Freeze the Atlantic

British alternative rock, I love it. I love it more than a fat kid loves cake.

While on Hundred Reasons’ profile, feeling the need for some nostalgia with this surprisingly-hot April, I came across ‘Freeze the Atlantic’.

Firstly I thought they might be some sort of anti-conservation group, hell-bent on freezing the dear Atlantic ocean, but then I realised that was stupid, and instead had found a new alternative band that I could immerse myself in, huzzah!

I’m not sure what it is about this type of music that makes me go all tingly, maybe it’s because British alternative bands tend to avoid becoming clichĂ©s of themselves (well most of them anyway), or join trends that change quicker than Jordan’s marital status, staying true to themselves and making the music that we all love.

(Well, I do anyway).

Despite coming across this band through the hot hot heat of the past few days, I would quite happily be in the audience in front of Freeze the Atlantic, sweating into my plastic pint glass of disgustingly priced beer and singing along, whatever the weather.


PS. There's another reason why you should love this band, they've got Hundred Reasons' bassist AND Guy & John from Reuben as members!

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