Friday 30 April 2010

Exit Music

Well, this is it.

The final entry of this little experiment.

I do hope that you’ve enjoyed my daily nuggets of controlled lunacy over the past month, and that you’ve found some new music to fill your lives with.

The aim of this blog was to showcase how much good music there is available on the internet, in the past 28 days only a extremely small sample of what's available has been presented to you, now it's your job to continue! Spread wide and forage, my friends!

Highlights from this blog for myself personally have been Panda Kopanda, Melodica Melody and Me, Grammatics, and Take a Worm for a Walk Week (even if just for the name).

Let me know what you’ve liked, disliked, loved or loathed from my Myspace minings! Just leave a comment!

I have definitely enjoyed writing for this blog; it has opened my eyes to writing for an audience (your lovely selves, of course) and has allowed me to write with a different approach to the usual essay-and-assignment routine.

Any further posts will have to be in a separate blog as this URL states 28 bands in 28 days, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it eh?

So for the final time, I bid you goodnight!

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