Monday 12 April 2010


With a name like ‘Megafaun’, you might imagine the Roman half man-half goat creature careering around a city creating untold amounts of destruction to a heavy metal soundtrack, or adversely, if ancient creatures aren’t your thing, you may not.

In fact Megafaun are more country/folk than mythological creature, complete with banjo and slide guitar. Much safer don’t you think?

The folk convention of a group of guys harmonising is in full swing here, as seen with breakthrough act ‘Fleet Foxes’ (which unfortunately, we haven’t heard much from recently).

Upon the appearance of these three (even though it sounds like more) fellows, you would think that they would be more at home felling giant redwoods than performing folk music, with their mighty mighty beards, but the rave reviews from numerous sources on their profile tell a different story, it’s obvious that they’re them there musical types!

Admittedly, if a group of bearded fellas’ singing together doesn’t float your boat, then you may find Megafaun a bit tiring after a while, because they do it a lot.

On the other hand, if that notion makes you go all giddy, then head on over to their profile!


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