Sunday 18 April 2010

Panda Kopanda

There aren’t really many words that rhyme with panda, and there still aren’t, even after the discovery of ‘Panda Kopanda’.

But that’s not the point, surely?

No, it’s not.

The meaning of the name does linger in your psyche while you’re listening to their music though; the grey matter in your head working furiously to decipher what on earth ‘Kopanda’ is, the bubbling porridge of your brain aching to figure it out, the neurons going into overdrive - you get the idea.

While all of this is happening inside the ol’ breadbasket, your ears are quite content to listen to this band, despite the daft name.

Although with no mention of pandas (or, indeed, kopandas) anywhere lyrically, the tunes suffice well without the cuddly creatures; the Irish four-piece serenading you with their self-professed “alternative/indie/melodramatic popular song” from the wonders of the Myspace music player.

There are many bands of note present in their music, but I would be lying if I say I didn’t hear elements of Mogwai; especially the bass work and the way that it can go from ‘twinkly twinkly’ to oh-my-days-the-world’s-about-to-end within a single song.

That’s no bad thing though, we all need a bit of apocalyptic dread from time to time, don’t we?


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