Thursday 15 April 2010

Melodica, Melody and Me

The melodica, such a humble instrument, but so powerful!

For those of you unsure of what a melodica actually is, here’s a quick piccy for your entertainment (and don’t say I never teach you anything!) They’re quirky little things that make a wonderful sound, and are awesome for reggae and dub (to get your body dancin’ and ting!)

Three out of four members in ‘Melodica, Melody and Me’, play the melodica (they play other instruments too; otherwise it would probably turn into a bit of a tooty mess). Two of the members also play another overlooked instrument, the charango, and one of these talented devils also plays the kora!
Having been on ‘BBC Introducing’, featured as Steve Lamacq’s unsigned band on BBC6 music, and having also played a session on BBC6, things are certainly looking good for Melodica, Melody and Me’.

Mr Tom Robinson from BBC6 Music had these lovely words to say about the quintet: "I have to say we get a lot of bands coming through here week after week but Melodica Melody and Me are one of the freshest and most original sounding groups we've had in this studio...absolutely terrific!"

On their profile they describe their music as “wholesome melodies and skanky drops”; and they’re right on the money with that one, I think I love them already, you should too.



  1. i love this band too.....!!!
    have you got their paul simon cover- its amaaaazingggg

  2. No I haven't! I really REALLY want it though...
