Sunday 11 April 2010

Collections of Colonies of Bees

As I sit here on this lovely sunny Sunday afternoon, with the heat of the sun warming my back almost uncomfortably, I have the hypnotic sounds of ‘Collections of Colonies of Bees’ whirling from my laptop speakers.

‘Colonies’ fall into a slightly different camp of music making compared to others in this blog; preferring to have loops and glitches opposed to so-so solos and saccharine singalongs as presented by some. Don’t get me wrong, ‘rock’ in their genre description, but it’s a different type of rock; this group is the sandstone of the music world opposed to the straightforward granite of rock ‘n roll bands.

Anyone who has heard Keiran Hebden’s ‘Four Tet’ project, or his earlier band ‘Fridge’; (and yes, they ARE cool, for those of you expecting the pun) will enjoy ‘Collection of Colonies of Bees’, in fact anybody with a vaguely open mind will enjoy this six-piece’s tunes.

Imagine Collections of Colonies of Bees as a hive (much like our friends in the picture, which would be a fitting metaphor, don’t you think?) with all the different worker bees going out and finding all the sweetest pollen from the melody flowers, before returning to their hive hanging from the rhythm tree, as the early summer sun sets on the horizon.

A nice scene eh? There’s nice music to match, go listen!


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